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  • When time is of primary importance, we provide timely solutions.

  • Our service concept?
    To do more faster.

  • We take a closer look - for your safety


Highly available systems require not only perfectly available components, but also excellent service with specially trained staff.

Over the entire service life of your system, HEITEC PTS GmbH provides you with services from a single source - and at a speed, quality and availability that only the manufacturer can offer you. Our comprehensive range of services guarantees you unique and individual support.

Optionally, you can conclude a service contract with us, which offers you many further advantages. They enjoy a higher priority, receive extended support and services, up to 24/7 availability and save costs in the long term thanks to price stability.

  • Support by means of a customer hotline
  • Sale of spare parts
  • Repairs, conversions
  • Maintenance / maintenance contracts
  • Training courses
  • Optimizations of existing plants
  • Relocations of machines and plants
  • Retrofitting of plants
  • Setting up new articles
  • Calibration
  • Software maintenance

HEITEC PTS Service-Center

The HEITEC PTS Service Centre guarantees high availability and a long life service for your system.

Monday until Friday
7:30 Uhr bis 17:00 Uh

Tel          +49 (7331) 3046-80

Fax         +49 (7331) 3046-980


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