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HeiLaser Wheel

The ideal supplement to our wheel testing machine

DataMatrix code identification (DMC) by laser for complete traceability

Innovations must offer added value. With this in mind we developed the HeiDetect Wheel Robot. The consistent add-on to this is the compact HeiLaser Wheel. It marks wheels by laser, paving the way for simple, individual traceability. DMC marking takes place directly after the X-ray inspection in your wheel testing machine. All steps are carried out with inline operation with neutral cycle time. Defective wheels can be marked as such and sorted out later.

It takes a maximum of 17 seconds to mark a wheel with the HeiLaser Wheel - so it runs in parallel with the X-ray test. Time is rarely so well invested, because of the individual code, the data of individual workpieces can be clearly assigned. All settings are stored centrally, from the test parameters to DMC. Wheels can always be traced back to the raw casting condition and the corresponding X-ray images. Lasering is executed from below through the conveyor system, so the wheel does not have to be moved additionally. This not only saves time, but also the investment in additional components.

HeiDetect Wheel Robot is the first choice for many world-renowned wheel manufacturers for 100 percent non-destructive testing. This is due to the extremely high throughput rates in in-line operation and the fast, almost pseudo error-free evaluation in real time. HeiLaser Wheel is the logical further development: All wheels are unequivocally marked in the early stage of the production process - before further processing. The early and unambiguous identification at the beginning of the value chain makes it possible to clearly allocate data across all production processes and beyond.

For more efficiency and quality – big benefit the smallest space

If you want to utilize all possibilities of quality assurance through the combination of HeiDetect Wheel Robot and HeiLaser Wheel, you do not have to plan any modification measures. The compact solution can be connected directly to your wheel testing machine. Thanks to the "backpack solution", it requires very little space and can be optimally integrated into existing production processes. Whether a new or already existing system is irrelevant, because the HeiLaser Wheel can be retrofitted without any problems.

Video HeiLaser Wheel

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